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Difference between Debentures and Bonds

If we go into the financial world, the words "debentures" and "bonds" we often hear. As well as feeling themselves a foothold for the...


What is Bitcoin Halving? When will It Happen

For the year 2009 itself, when Bitcoin was invented...

What is government shutdown and how does it impact the economy?

What is a government shutdown? The term government shutdown is...


Reasons to Avoid Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

Purchasing a house is a fun but daunting process....

Student Credit Card: Definition, Risks and How to Get...

Financial independence is an integral part of student life....

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What are the Key Steps to Prepare for Retirement?

Wish to dream of a happier retirement where you can now pursue your passions and live life for what it is without so much...

What is a Mortgage? and How does it Work?

What is a mortgage? A mortgage is a type of loan which is used to purchase a home, plot of land and other types of...

What Are the Benefits Of Credit Ratings

Credit ratings help lenders, borrowers, and investors find their way. Credit rating agencies give credit ratings to these entities based on their ability to...