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What is Bitcoin Halving? When will It Happen

For the year 2009 itself, when Bitcoin was invented and began to change the world towards the leading cryptocurrency. This digital currency is based on a decentralized system.

The Bitcoin network, through a complex algorithm, delays new issuance by half every four years. This is an event commonly known in the crypto industry as “Bitcoin Halving”. It is a key component in Bitcoin’s scarcity mechanism and consequently influences its value.

As a part of this myriad analysis, we will approach the intricacies of Bitcoin halving. We can also break down the main concept, mechanisms, and effects that it evokes in Bitcoin’s system.

3 man cutting bitcoin
Photo by Marco Verch/Flickr

What Is Bitcoin Halving?

Bitcoin halving is an event happens about every four years, deduct miner’s reward by fifty percent. It’s programmed in Bitcoin to control new coin issuance and maintain scarcity.

It was previously being distributed to the mining system for the validation of transactions and network security. The main goal of this tool is to clearly regulate the release of new bitcoins. The reason behind is to maintain a supply of 21 million bitcoins.

Why is the halving of bitcoin the main event?

Bitcoin halving comes with a lot of elements in the blockchain vendors. To start with, it has caused a shortage of bitcoins by making it a scarce commodity and keeping it like a rare metal with an exact quantity available. This makes it a deflationary asset, which is why its price tends to rise.

Yet another vital economic impact of Bitcoin mining is that it exerts a tremendous impact on miners behavior. It also impact the long-term security of the network. Bitcoin halves get currency owners and enthusiasts a considerable amount of awareness. This awareness often leads to price movements since investors and enthusiasts usually forecast the price movements anticipating the new supply dynamics. 

The Basics of the Bitcoin Network

The operation of the Bitcoin network is characterized by its decentralized structure—a peer-to-peer, interconnected network composed of joint nodes. These nodes write the ledger, known as the blockchain, and put the transactions there immutably. 

To guarantee the security of the distributed ledger, cryptographic techniques, for instance, proof of work, are used. Proof of work refers to the computational work required to mine transactions and then add them to the blockchain.

Basics of Bitcoin Mining

The procedure of mining bitcoins usually comes as a way of generating new bitcoins. It also confirms and adds the transactions to the blockchain.

Miners employ different types of hardware to find the right solution to the given mathematical problems. These verify transactions and are among themselves. Therefore, miners are compensated by making new bitcoins and transaction fees.

Bitcoin Halving Effects

Bitcoin halving are deep events in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, where the influence extends to various participants and specialized market spheres. For example, they directly control the rate at which new coins are issued, making the process of increasing supply progressively slow.

With reduced supply, the demand is what normally causes a raise in the price of Bitcoin. Moreover, as the scarcity increases in Bitcoin, the perceived value also follows the same pattern.

On the other side, the miners discover that Bitcoin halving substantially diminishes their gain. Mines might have lower revenues while having their rewards halved, which may lead to the reallocation of mining towards more profitable niches.

Some miners may consider the possibility of divesting the market temporarily, even the possibility of investing in high-sensitive hardware, to keep profitable. To this end, Bitcoin halving can stimulate investors’ attitudes while becoming the factor that determines the movement and trading volume in cryptocurrency markets.

When is the next bitcoin-halving event?

The Bitcoin halving event, a significant event for the digital currency, will take place in the coming couple of months, around mid-2024.

In May 2020, the most recent Bitcoin’s event of halving was realized, and it shifted from 12.5 bitcoins to a 6.25 bitcoin subdivision.

The next block reward halving is expected to take place in April 2024.

On the other hand, it is important to understand that slight variations may occur in the time of appearance of each block due to the probabilistic essence of the generation of the blocks within the network.

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Crypto-halving is a key aspect of the blockchain protocol. Its significance becomes obvious when understood in terms of a series of operations that shape supply, value, and Bitcoin’s future on the broad digital market.

Thus, this manual first offers a simplified concept of Bitcoin halving, and then it helps readers make independent and educated decisions in the cryptocurrency market. This phenomenon is extremely important for you, especially if you are an investor, miner, or enthusiast, because of its unique characteristics and the way they impact bitcoin.


Bitcoin halving curbs the distribution of fresh bitcoins, schedules the release of coins, and adds value to stable rates.

The cryptocurrency community has attracted the attention of the media due to bitcoin halving events, often followed by greater demand and even price rises in the wake of reduced supply issuance since its inception.

When all 21 million bitcoins are mined, no new bitcoins will be created. Miners will rely solely on transaction fees for revenue, potentially impacting network security and miner incentives.

While Bitcoin halving are designed to occur approximately every four years, slight variations in block generation times can cause them to happen sooner or later. These fluctuations are part of the inherent unpredictability of decentralized networks.

Bitcoin halving events will continue to occur roughly every four years until the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins is reached, estimated to happen around the year 2140.


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