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How to Apply for Personal Loan in 7 Steps

Are you disconcerted about getting a personal loan but have no clue where to start? Have no fear, as you are not alone, and...


What is Bitcoin Halving? When will It Happen

For the year 2009 itself, when Bitcoin was invented...

What is government shutdown and how does it impact the economy?

What is a government shutdown? The term government shutdown is...


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Trump’s 2024 Economic Vision for Stocks and Market Highs

In early 2023, Donald Trump, percolating confidence, emphasizes the vital part of stocks in the forthcoming crusade. His harmonious depiction of President Biden as...

Ukraine’s Triumph: 13M Tons via Black Sea, Defying Russia

Highlights Reclaiming the Black Sea and securing 13 million tons of vital cargo via a safeguarded corridor amid geopolitical turmoil. Birth of a new...

US Union 2024 Strike Surge Ignited by 2023’s Labor Momentum?

Highlights: Workdays lost to strikes in 2023 reached the highest since 2000. Anticipate more labor contract expirations in 2024, raising the likelihood of additional...